10½ Leadership Tips
March 22, 2018
Are You on the Path to Success?
April 3, 2018

Emotional IQ (better known as EQ) is an assessment of your ability to understand and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is an important component of success for many business leaders. People with high EQ are considered likable and are often highly effective communicators. They are almost always more successful than someone with low emotional intelligence but high IQ. Unlike IQ, which is fairly constant through life, anyone can improve their emotional IQ.

High Emotional IQ = Emotional Awareness

Those with high emotional IQ are tuned in to their emotions. They know when they are happy, and what makes them happy. When they are sad or angry, they can identify what they are feeling. While this may seem rather basic, many people fly through life without an awareness of their feelings. They tend to react strongly to whatever mood they are in at the time without realizing why they are reacting.

You can develop emotional awareness by noticing throughout the day what you are feeling, and what made you feel that way. This practice can quickly become a part of your day, and you will be better prepared to respond positively to a variety of situations.

High Emotional IQ = Understanding Others

When you have high emotional IQ, you are good at understanding others. You can usually see what other people are feeling, and why they are feeling that way. When others are happy you can be happy with them. When others are feeling down, you are good at encouraging them and brightening their day. Having high emotional IQ means you are a good friend, and a good judge of character.

In the same way that you develop your emotional awareness, you can increase your understanding of others. Often listening to people will teach you what they are feeling, and why they are feeling this way. If you are unsure, you can simply ask what they are feeling. Most people like to open up about how they are feeling, and when you listen carefully you will gain useful information.

High Emotional IQ = Thick Skin

People with high emotional IQ are not easily offended. This comes from two sources. First, they understand that they are completely in control of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. They make choices about how to respond rather than feeding off of what other people are doing or saying. Second, they understand that they are not responsible for how other people feel. People who know it is not their responsibility to make other people happy are not going to be offended when people around them are unhappy. They may try to help them out, but they will not take other people’s feelings as their own.

Your emotional IQ is high when you have a good understanding of your own feelings and other people’s feelings, and you are not easily offended. You are also comfortable saying no to others when it is the best choice. You do not hang on to mistakes or keep grudges. You enjoy a sense of personal freedom to speak and act in the way you feel is right, and you are not limited by worries. In your workplace, you are a confident leader, and are well-respected by those around you.

Are you ready to build stronger emotional IQ? Our Internal Empowerment training provides scientifically backed, practical solutions for increasing emotional intelligence, becoming confident, and reaching your goals. Contact us today for more information. We are looking forward to connecting with you!

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